再打开tomcat5的,看完后, 你就知道了 tomcat 5.5.35## List of comma-separated paths defining the contents of the "shared" # classloader. Prefixes should be used to define what is the repository type.# Path may be relative to the CATALINA_BASE path or absolute. If left as blank,# the "common" loader will be used as Catalina's "shared" loader.# Examples:# "foo": Add this folder as a class repository# "foo/*.jar": Add all the JARs of the specified folder as class # repositories# "foo/bar.jar": Add bar.jar as a class repository # Please note that for individual jar files, e.g. bar.jar, you need the URL form# starting with file:.shared.loader=${catalina.base}/shared/classes,${catalina.base}/shared/lib/*.jar
tomcat 7.0.47
## List of comma-separated paths defining the contents of the "shared"# classloader. Prefixes should be used to define what is the repository type.# Path may be relative to the CATALINA_BASE path or absolute. If left as blank,# the "common" loader will be used as Catalina's "shared" loader.# Examples:# "foo": Add this folder as a class repository# "foo/*.jar": Add all the JARs of the specified folder as class# repositories# "foo/bar.jar": Add bar.jar as a class repository# Please note that for single jars, e.g. bar.jar, you need the URL form# starting with file:.shared.loader=